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The Space

The 4th-Space Meditation Centre is located in a shared studio building in Schaerbeek, Brussels.The space's architecture structures itself to facilitate an immersive experience of 4th-Space Meditation and guides the meditation practice.

The Practice of 4th-Space Meditation

Meditation from the quantum perspective.

Fourth Space Meditation is a method designed to explore the spirit as a phenomenon of a fourth spatial dimension. This higher spatial dimension, referred to as the 'quantum realm,' is where our spiritual essence resides. Our consciousness connects us to this dimension, providing us with a sense of mind. Meditating with this focus aims to expand our consciousness, thereby enhancing our mind and spiritual disposition.To begin Fourth Space Meditation, the practitioner sits in their preferred meditation position under the "Interspace Conscious Expansion Beam" (I.C.E.B.).The session is divided into two twelve-minute intervals, symbolizing the cycle of the day. The first 12 minutes are spent with eyes closed, and the second 12 minutes with eyes open. When the gong sounds to start the first interval, the practitioner slowly closes their eyes and focuses on the light above, which represents the fourth space. This focus helps one feel connected to a realm of multiple simultaneous possibilities.When the gong sounds to start the next 12 minutes, the practitioner slowly opens their eyes and immediately focuses on the tip of the sublime triangle in front of them. This focus is maintained for the entire 12 minutes. The tip signifies the self's presence in spacetime. The beam aligns with the line of perception, symbolizing consciousness as a bridge between the two spaces. By focusing on the present from a simulated position in the fourth space, one experiences the perception of the present from a quantum perspective, embracing the many possibilities at once.

Fourth Space Meditation

Every Tuesday at 7pm and every Thursday at 10am

If you are interestesd to try out this new meditation technique, click on the link below.
For each session a donation of €5 is kindly asked.


Since the late 19th century, the concept of a fourth-dimensional space has ignited contemplation about an alternative mystical and spiritual reality. The philosopher Ouspensky referred to it as the realm of 'Cosmic Consciousness.'
Charles Hinton's book, 'A New Era of Thought,' epitomizes this fascination, reverberating in art, particularly through movements like cubism, which based on this idea, redefined the foundations of perception.
Fast forwarding more than 100 years, 4th-Space Meditation Centre carries this exploration and fascination, seeing in the possibility of a fourth dimension of space a better way to describe our sense of being.
Not by ascribing a higher consciousness to this space but rather by regarding our existence as extending into a higher-dimensional reality where consciousness and subjective awareness are facilitated. While, furthermore, providing a framework to explain phenomena like 'non-locality' and 'synchronicity'.
To bring us into a personal journey and relationship with our being extended into this space is the foundational objective of the meditation practice.
However, this journey extends beyond the individual; it encompasses the collective as well. The existence of a four-dimensional space implies that humanity's collective pursuit has revolved around grasping an imperceptible sense of being. The existence of a fourth space fosters a culturally unified link to the spiritual realm.

4th-Space meditation Centre is founded and produced by the contemporary artist and philosopher Dome Wood
Born 1974, in Melbourne, Australia, Dome Wood has lived in Europe for the past 26 years with the last 8 years based in Brussels.
With a longstanding interest in spirituality and universal models of existence throughout his artistic career, Dome Wood's journey took a transformative turn in 2019 with a pivotal realisation about the significance of a fourth-dimensional space and its potential to address the universal thirst for spiritual understanding. This epiphany inspired his initial investigation into the concept of a meditation centre, with the exhibition "Artificial Meditation Centre" launched in collaboration with Rectangle, a project space based in Brussels. However, he felt that he wasn't fully prepared to manifest the idea into a real meditation centre.Instead, in 2020, he used the basis of this idea to co-found The Agprognostic Temple. This platform served as a nomadic exhibition space for art centred around spirituality. Over the course of three years, Dome Wood continued to develop his ideas about the concept of a four-dimensional space in conjunction with a meditation practice. Eventually, feeling that the time was right, he transitioned the concept into what is now known as 4th-Space Meditation Centre.


Monthly Event:
Sonic Meditation by Karolien Polenus.

Once a month, on Tuesday evening at 20:00, Karolien Polenus will conduct an extended 1-hour version of her non-singularity performance intervention.The next session will be on October 8.Only nine spots are available; to book, click on the link below.

Karolien Polenus is a sound alchemist and artist with her own sound healing practice in Brussels.

Group hypnotherapy session

On going collaboration with Julia E Dyck.Next one to be announced shortly.

Julia E Dyck is an arist from Brussels with her own hypnotherapy practice.

Non-Singularity Performance Series

Non-Singularity Performance Series is a series of performances hosted by the centre.This series is intended to express the inherent nature of the universe as a non-singular entity—a construction of oneness and not-oneness.
We emerge from this oneness-not-oneness in the fourth space as 'being-not-being.'
This challenges the concept of the "non-duality" ideal of ultimate oneness, suggesting instead that all beings exist as a composition of opposites within the polarity of concepts.The performance series invites artists to reflect on and interpret this notion in a manner that resonates with their own performance practice, aiming to immerse the audience in a unique meditative experience.

4th Space Meditation Centre, Brussels